Spine Master Class Batch 5th in Conjunction with World Endoscopic Spine Society (WESS) Congress 2025
January 6, 2025Comprehensive Learning + New Experience
for 3D Endoscope Cadaver Course
in conjunction with
June 21-22, 2025
Holiday inn Pasteur Hotel – Bandung
Anatomy Lab – Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University-Jatinangor
West Java – Indonesia
Dear Colleagues,
Currently, the practice of spine surgery in Indonesia is growing fast, including the Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery ( technique All the young neuro surgeon and ortho surgeon, are compete to learn and seek for deeper knowledge about spine surgery, so they can provide the best quality of service for the patients.
It is remarkable in that every spine surgeon in the world, which is all my friends, I have ever met has been so willing to share their knowledge, teach me their tricks and talk to me about their failures as much as their successes The entire happened of all of our professional meetings is sharing our recent experiences in the management of the spine
and discussing new developments for its surgical treatment Nowadays, Various techniques and vendor in minimally invasive spine surgery, are available in the market In this opportunity, cadaver course will be focus on Destandau Technique.
The objective is as simple as it is noble Lets us teach other surgeons how to improve themselves and help their patients That exactly what happened 18 years ago 2006 when I switch to become “a more” spine surgery after my training with Professor PS Ramani, than continue after that, to Professor Mehmet Zileli which really open up my mind and vision I will never be able to repay both of you in a single lifetime, but let me please, to borrow the spirit
The Spirit of teaching from a true teachers, will never die in time, and again, at this moment, we are collecting some of all one of the best teachers in spine surgery from all over the world, my beloved friends, to come to Bandung city Indonesia, and spread their invaluable knowledge
I do hope you will not miss this great opportunity
All the best,
Rully Hanafi Dahlan
of Indonesia Neuro Spine Society
CEO of Spine Master Class
