Spine Surgery Master Class Batch 2 – 2023
January 2, 2025We would like to share the next module from Spine Surgery Masterclass, lectures and workshops on “PAIN”.
Yesterday, on the third day, we attended a series of lectures on Pain by speakers:
– Dr. dr. Achmad Fahmi, Sp.BS (K)Subsp.NF, FINPS
-dr. Farid Yudoyono, Sp.BS.,Subsp.N-TB (K)., M.Epid., FINSS, FINPS
-dr. Pieter MJ Likliwatil, Sp. BS., M.Kes
-dr. Stephanus Gunawan, Sp. BS
-dr. Santi Andayani, Sp.KJ(K), MMRS
-dr. Undang Ruhimat, dr., Sp.Rad(K)., MH.Kes.
-dr. Adji Kusumadjati, Sp.Onk-Rad, M.Kes
-Dr. dr. Leonardo Lubis., AIFO.,M.Kes
-dr. Radian Ahmad Halimi, Sp.An-KNA, M.Kes
-dr. Yusuf Wibisono, Sp.S (K)., Sp.AK
-dr. Vitriana Biben, Sp.KFR, N.M (K)
And today, on the fourth day, we performed a hands-on cadaver dissection consisting of:
– Cervical medial branch (mb) injection
– Thoracal mb injection
– Lumbar mb injection
– Lumbar transforaminal injection
– Sacroiliac joint injection
– Ganglion impar injection
The event was held at Unpad Jatinangor Wet Lab.