Spine Surgery Master Class Batch 3 – 2023
January 2, 2025
World Spine 10 – 2024 Diadakan di Kota Bandung
January 2, 2025Spine Surgery Masterclass Batch 4 (Module 8 & 9) was successfully held October 8, 2024 in Wet Lab Medical Faculty, UNPAD Jatinangor, Bandung.
This masterclass was, again organized by our *Spine, Peripheral, and Pain Division*, host by our consultants :
1. Dr.(Jur).Adv.dr. Rully Hanafi Dahlan, Sp.BS, Subsp.N-TB(K).,M.Kes.,S.H.,FINSS (Chair)
2. dr. Sevline Estethia Ompusunggu, Sp.BS, Subsp.N-TB(K).,M.Kes.,FINSS (Vice)
3. dr. Farid Yudoyono, Sp.BS, Subsp.N-TB(K).,M.Epid.,FINSS.,FINPS (Director)
We would also like to send our deepest appreciation to all of the invited speakers:
1. Prof. Dr. Azmi Alias, MBBS., MMED Surgery., FRCS (Malaysia)
2. Prof. Dr. dr. Ridha Dharmajaya, Sp.BS.(K) (USU-Medan)
3. Prof. Sushil Patkar, MD (India)
4. Dr. dr. Nyoman Golden, Sp.BS (K) (UNUD-Bali)
5. Dr. Ng Wei Ping (Malaysia)
The 4th Batch of Spine Masterclass will be held on May 2024, details soon to be announced. 💪🏾
We also want to thank and send our highest appreciation to all the participants, organizers and sponsors. 🙏🏻
Join our next big event, the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Neurospine Society (PIT INSS) that will be held December, 14-17th, 2023 in Bandung, Indonesia.
Be prepared 👁️ and see you again for our next education learning program 😊